Forêt Enchantée: Daniella Arteaga Vallarino

20 October 2023 - 12 January 2024

Amidst the chaos of our modern lives, we invite you to step into a world where reality intertwines with wonder. “Enchanted Forest”, an exhibition by artist Daniella Arteaga Vallarino, beckons you to explore the captivating realm of an enchanted forest—a place where magic thrives and the wisdom of nature’s messengers takes centre stage.


“I sought to draw inspiration from the wonders that surround us in nature”, says the artists. As she delves into the heart of this mystical woodland, seeking to capture and convey the essence of its magic. She brings to life a realm where animals serve as wise guides and nature whispers its eternal truths.


The exhibition narrates a story of interconnectedness—a tale where animals are not mere inhabitants but guardians of ancient knowledge. As messenger birds take flight and mythical creatures like Pegasus grace the canvas, one can almost hear the whisper of the wind, carrying their messages of harmony and unity with the Earth. Ethereal fairies stand as sentinels, and plants don human forms to bridge the gap between worlds.


In the heart of this enchanted forest, a princess embarks on a transformative journey. Lost yet determined, she navigates the labyrinthine pathways, facing trials and enchantments that test her resolve. This narrative thread weaves through the art, a reminder of our journeys and the resilience within us.


Vallarino’s works dance between the lines of reality and imagination, capturing not just images but emotions and stories. Her artistic odyssey mirrors her personal connection with the theme—she becomes a traveller in this enchanted realm, exploring the facets of existence that often remain hidden from the hurried eyes of the world.


“Enchanted Forest” is an invitation to rekindle a childlike wonder and to rediscover the world through the eyes of an artist. It’s a celebration of nature’s wisdom, an homage to the magical beings in our collective dreams, and a reflection on the symbiotic relationship between humanity and the Earth.